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Wichita Clutches are disgned with Name Plates, Friction Discs, Pressure Plates, Bolts, Springs and what we call a Wichita Clutch air tube. Wichita Clutch Air Tubes come in different types of styles, these styles are the Doughnut and the Pancake Style.

Wichita Clutch Air Tubes
Wichita Clutch Pancake Air Tube are made of a heavy duty multiply molded rubber that has one inlet at the center and a operation PSI of 100. Pancake air tubes vary on size from four inches to 72 inches. Pancake air tubes are available for both standard and high speed models. It your trying to get a replacement Wichita Clutch Air Tube it is best to find the Serial Part number on the clutch, but we can also find the the right air tube using just the parts number.

Wichita Clutch Air Tubes
Wichita Clutch Doughnut Air Tube Are designed axactly the way they sound, Multiply rubber molded in a doughnut shape. They designed to be able to withstand the harsh environment that is created in a Wichita Clutch. The inlets vary from 1 to 6 depending on the model. These are also very in size, between 4 inches to 72 inches.
Wichita Clutch Air tubes are have the operating pressure of 100PSI. You will find that most of these are tubes are between the air tube holding plate and the pressure plate. These parts are built with a combination of space age fibers and elastomerics to give them longevity and fit assurance. Wichita Clutch Air Tubes are easy to replace and maintain. The inlets on the Doughnuts have air hoses that supplies the tube with air.