Torpey Denver is an Authorized Distributor of the Magne 1MC90B Repair Kit. We can also assist you with individual parts for your clutch.
Online Quote (Best Price Guarantee) – Select Magne as the Manufacture then the Type in Your Model Number under the Part Number Field, then under the Description tell us “Repair Kit” or what individual Parts are you looking for (Magnetic Medium, Bearings, Retraining Rings, etc.).
Magne 1MC90 Repair Kit
The Magne 1MC90B Repair Kit is offered to customers that prefer to do the repairs on the 1Mc90B themselves, instead of sending the clutch back to the factory. This 1MC90B Repair Kit includes one measured load of magnetic powder, powder seal, bearings, retaining rings and gaskets. These are normally the only parts need to overhaul or repair the unit. The 1MC90B Installation Manuals contain a complete maintenance and repair instructions. With the repair kit and the manuals together allows you to be able to repair your your own clutch.
Magne Magnetic Meduim