MAGPOWR TC-5 Power Supply for Clutches and Brakes

magpowr tc-5

The Magpowr TC-55 has four different current ranges which are 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 and 1 amp. The are easily selected on the front panel. An elite feature of the Magpowr TC-5 is the  reverse current circuitry that gives it more control in the low torque ranges. These power regulated power supplies are designed for magnetic particle clutches and brakes. This unit is an operator friendly product allow you to control  the output by rotating the front panel potentiometer. The Tc-5 is durable and versatile, giving you everything you want from a power supply for clutches and brakes.

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View The 90 VDC in the Interactive Designer Notebook

Instruction Manual


Tension and Torque Controls

Magnetic Particle Clutches and Brakes

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