Wichita Clutches For Applications

Wichita Clutch Parts

Wichita clutches are available for many types of applications, for many different industries. Wichita Clutches are high quality products distributed to you by TorpeyDenver. We are very experienced in the products and can help you find the right one for your operation. We can also help you with installation, maintenance and calibration of all Wichita Clutch parts.

We have experienced engineers standing by to answer any questions you might have on these units and the parts that are used with them.


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Tension for Print Applications

‘Modevo’ Modular tension brake
KK – Kopper Kool TM™ Brake
Model RB Tension Brake
‘Mistral’ Tension brake
‘Magnum’ Tension brake
AquaMaKKs Water Cooled Clutches and Brakes


Start Stop Applications

    Air Clutches

model lk clutch
CCB Combination Clutch/Brake

LKM Marine Clutches
LKT Clutch
LIC Low Inertia Clutch
LI High Torque Clutch
SV Standard Vent Clutch
LK Clutch
  Air Brakes

Low Inertia Brake
LISSB Low Inertia Spring Set Brake
LIB Low Inertia Brake
LKT Brake
LKB Spring Set Brakes
LK Brake
CCB Combination Clutch/Brake
  Hydraulic Units

model hc clutch
HC/HCD Hydraulic Clutches
HBS Hydraulic Spring Set Brakes
HBA Hydraulic Brakes
CBH Combination Clutch/Brake
CBA Combination Clutch/Brake

Water Cooled Units

kopper kool spring set brake or clutch
KKB Kooper Kool Brakes & Clutches

Soft Start

Soft Start Applications, Mesur-Fil

Mesur-Fil Fluid Couplings

Engine Driven

Engine Driven Applications, PTO

   Couple Two Shafts (Engine to Load)

Air Power Take-Off Clutch
SV – Standard Ventilated Clutch
Air Power Take-Offs (PTO)
Mechanical Power Take-Offs

  Chippers, Delimers and Tub Grinders

mechanical power take off clutch
LIC-Low Inertia Clutch
Air Power Take-Offs (PTO)
Mechanical Power Take-Offs
  Mud Pumps

Standard Ventilated Clutch
SV-Standard Ventilated Clutch
Air Power Take-Offs (PTO)

  Crushers and Shakers

SV-Standard Ventilated Clutch
Air Power Take-Offs (PTO)
LIC-Low Inertia Clutch
Mechanical Power Take-Offs

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